If you are a driver and currently do not have a dash cam, then it may be worth making it your next investment. Dash Cams range in price from around fifteen pounds upwards of a couple of hundred pounds. You often get what you pay for with Dash Cams but sometimes even the cheaper ones are worth having and can save you a lot of hassle and possibly even money. Over the last decade, there have been more and more scams coming to light with people driving around and doing crash for cash. This is where they set up a scenario which means you end up crashing into them and then they claim off your insurance for repairs and personal injury. This is often done by involving more than one other vehicle so you may find that you are surrounded by cars that are all involved in the stunt.
Having a dash cam can help if something like this happens to you and you have footage to prove what has happened? Sometimes even telling the suspect that you have it recorded on your dash cam is enough for them to drive away and not to be heard of again.