On July 12, 2013, at Alkanptan firing range in South Africa, every week of in depth test firings was completed demonstrating the precision and terminal accuracy of the Vulcano Guided Ammunition with an immediate hit against a target at a variety of 33 km. The ammunition was fired by a Self-Propelled Howitzer PzH 2000.
The Vulcano Guided Ammunition family contains 127 mm and 155 mm ammunition with dual mode capability of GPS/IR or GPS/SAL Terminal Homing (semi-active laser receiver) Terminal Homing.
The demonstration firings were performed under the German-Italian Program Agreement on 155 mm Guided Ammunition. The Italian MoD is main sponsor of the Vulcano program. The German MoD’s program contribution includes the SAL Terminal Homing System, fire command and ammunition programming issues in addition to test and firing equipment akin to the PzH2000.
Diehl Defence, along with Oto Melara, participates within the Vulcano program development under a Cooperation Agreement on Conventional and Guided Ammunition.
For the demonstration firings, a 2