Light up your home to improve your security

We often try and use as little electricity as possible to keep our energy bills down, but we may be leaving our homes unsecure by doing so. For years people have been leaving a light on in their home when they go out, but burglars have quickly wised up to this and it’s time to be a little more creative.

If you have a new smart phone and the applicable devices in your home, you can actually control your lighting remotely, meaning you can switch random lights on and off at different times to make it appear that someone is in. even if you do not have any of these devices, you can put switches on timers to come on and off at different times during the evening.

Outdoor lighting is also key, research has shown that homes that have security lighting fitted as less likely to become victim to a break in. A few simple PIR lights are usually enough and these can be picked up for as little as ten pounds each, a small price to pay for added security.